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Jim Carmichael in his 1975 book entitled The modern rifle questions whether modern cartridges followed rifle design or today's rifles came about to meet the demands of modern ballistics. He concluded that during the previous 75 years, few original basic rifle mechanisms and cartridges had been ...

Beating the Band for Trapshooting

by Philip Bourjaily "...let me say that just about the sweetest music to me is when I call 'Pull!', the old gun barks, and the referee, in perfect key, announces 'Dead!'" wrote composer John Philip Sousa in "Sweet Music at the Traps," an article appearing in the January 15, 1916 issue of The ...

Bohning Blazer Helix Jig Review

Bohning Blazer Jig I have been using Blazer vanes on and off for years and I have had very good luck with them. I was very excited when Bohning came out with a Fletching Jig for the Blazer vanes. This jig will put the Blazer vanes on your arrows for the best performance. I have been ...

Getting Ready for Turkey Time

Turkey season is fast approaching. Do you know where your gun is shooting? Jay Langston, editor of Turkey Call magazine from the National Wild Turkey Federation, recommends patterning your shotgun before each season. What if your retriever stepped on the barrel or someone knocked it down? Mishaps, ...

Bow hunting for Turkey

Hunting turkey with a bow may be over the top for some people but it is a great way to hunt turkeys.  This is not for the faint of heart and if you are not willing to let a turkey go because he will not come the last five or ten yards, this is not for you.  To kill a turkey with a bow the bird must ...

Defensive Wild Turkey Hunting

Pair of Gobblers An experienced turkey hunter had driven an hour and walked over a half mile to get into position on the edge of a turkey roost in an isolated place on private land. The woods were quiet as the first pale fingers of dawn appeared in the east. He waited and thought, " I only have ...

Choosing a Good Compound Bow

COMPOUND BOWS Compund Bow (Mathews Creed XS) I have only ever hunted with compound bows.  I have owned three compound bows in my life starting with a ProLine, then graduating to a Jenningsand just recently my third new bow-a Mathews Reezen 6.5.  The technology used in compound bows is amazing, ...
